STEM SHOWCASE 2024 at Penang

Date: 23rd and 24th of August 2024
Location: Han Chiang High School, Penang, Malaysia
The National Science Week Carnival continues this year with the organization of the STEM SHOWCASE 2024 at the Penang State Level, in conjunction with the National Science Week (MSN). This is the second state-level carnival for 2024 following its implementation in Kelantan. The implementation of National Science Week in 2024 marks its 7th year since its launch in 2018. It reflects the commitment of MOSTI to consistently and continuously integrate Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) into the lives of Malaysians. According to YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang, the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, one of the main objectives of organizing the National Science Week Carnival is to celebrate the diversity of STI activities in each state and to provide opportunities for local STI practitioners to showcase their ideas, technologies, and innovations that cater to the needs of the local community. For the implementation in Penang, the National Science Week Carnival has been framed as the STEM SHOWCASE 2024 at the Penang State Level in conjunction with National Science Week. MOSTI is committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) in cultivating STI through continuous extracurricular STI programs targeted specifically at school children and students. This is part of the National STEM agenda empowerment through the National Science Week program. In conjunction with the Penang State Level National Science Week Carnival 2024, which spans two (2) days, MOSTI together with the State Government aims to attract more than 10,000 visitors. The program is also attended by YB Tuan Jagdeep Singh Deo, Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang, and YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Ts. Haji Aminuddin bin Hassim, Secretary-General of MOSTI.