The U.S. has cornered the market on Higher Education

The U.S. has cornered the market on Higher Education

What We’re Showing

A chart breaking down which countries host the top 100 universities in the world, as per the World University Rankings 2024, sourced from Times Higher Education.

How Does Times Higher Education Rank Universities?

All university rankings are subjective. The Times Top 100 measures universities on 18 performance indicators covering teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international outlook.

Key Takeaways

  • Not only does the U.S. have the most top 100 universities (36), it is also the most represented country (169 universities) in the entire 2,000-strong ranking catalog
  • The top 10 universities are split between the U.S. (7), and UK (3)
  • Oxford University ranks first overall
  • Stanford University (#2) is first for teaching, and MIT (#3) is first in research quality


Based on 2024 World University Rankings. Performance indicators include teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international outlook.!/length/100/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/scores

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